We absolutely collect statistics for a variety of different reasons, not only to inform predictive analytics on non-compliance but also to guide our priorities so that we ensure that we are shifting towards some of the greatest threats, such as this, when it comes to local fishing communities on either of the coasts. We do have the statistics.
Regarding the second part of the question on profiles, we do develop profiles on individual potential bad actors or organized crime groups that would be strategically helpful to people in making determinations and assessments.
In terms of what we may or may not be able to share with the committee, it's something I can certainly look into on the statistics, if we would like to shape and stratify the question and the specific statistics that might be required here. However, in many cases, those are statistics that are drawn from internal compartmented either commercial systems or, in many cases, intelligence management systems, where we do attempt to keep a certain compartmented approach towards a lot of the intelligence that's derived.
It does also integrate and intersect with a lot of our law enforcement communities and partners and our domestic public safety partners, as well as the other government departments that have a very genuine stake within this particular topic today.
Thank you for the question, madam.