I would like to think that the minister at the time was made aware. I know the department itself was very aware of that specific issue. The department was even made very aware prior to the incident in St. Marys Bay that this potential was there, because, like I said in one of my earlier statements on that, the membership of my local 9 there, which represents that area, had been bringing this issue up for years, and this continued to build.
I think the department was forewarned that there was a potential for a powder keg, as we called it, for lack of a better term, and that something might happen. I think for anybody in the department to say, after that incident at St. Marys Bay, that they didn't see that coming.... They were warned at a very high level that something was going to happen if they didn't step in to try to rein this back a bit. The scale at which that fishery was taking place in those summer months.... Again, we really don't know, but we have an idea, and I can put a lower threshold and an upper threshold, and it's quite a big range. It's not insignificant.