It seems to me there's nothing to impede our dealing today with just those routine matters. I mean, there's nothing that's going to be different or that's going to change between now and the next meeting; it's just the straightforward, routine matters.
The second thing is that I'd like very much to support both Bernard and Francine, and Mr. Casey, on the question of exploring Wednesday as a possible meeting date. I know it's the ultimate nightmare to try to do that in the whole group, but if we could all agree that people are willing to consider it, I wonder if we could feed in—which is why we're going to do the routine business, right, because then we have the capacity to deal with these decisions—to people what would work, if people are open to Wednesday instead, and ask for the exploration of a possible venue to be carried out. Finding a meeting venue may prove to be the even bigger challenge.
I'd just like to suggest that we proceed in that way.