Thank you.
The 1995 review conference was a good one. In the year 2000 there was a useful consensus. In 2005 there was total failure. What's going to happen in five years from now, four years, in the year 2010, nobody knows about that. God knows.
My question is, how can international communities address the fact that countries mis-signed the NPT as a means of developing civilian nuclear expertise and can simply withdraw from the treaty on nuclear weapons? That's my question now.
I have a second question going back to the fissile material cut-off treaty. Obviously, you mentioned this. It's one of your four priorities that you gave us. You say:
Emphasize the need to start negotiations on a Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty and contribute Canadian expertise on verification.
We heard all about this.
My question concerning this is the following. You also stated:
To take advantage of the opening discussed below, middle power countries should explore creative ways to overcome the stalemate.
What do you mean? Could you explain about the creative ways, because we seem to be in something of a deadlock for the moment.