Thank you.
We want to thank you for coming, but just before you leave, I do have a couple of very quick questions.
First, it is stated in the estimates that:
In 2006-2007, CIDA will also refine the definition and parameters for aid eligibility that will apply to countries of concentration, fragile states, and a range of other countries in need.
Mr. Greenhill, you've talked about the country concentration, how it has been smaller countries and more money going into those countries. Does the minister agree with the criteria used to select these 25 countries? This says that we will “refine the definition”. Do you agree with that?
Secondly, our committee has undertaken a fairly comprehensive study. We visited some countries in Europe in which 0.7% has been a target for countries all around the world, many of which are doing very well at it. There has been a push from outside sources, including the Make Poverty History campaign, to have Canada commit to reaching the 0.7% official development assistance compared to GDP. How does this target fit into your new aid effectiveness strategy?