I don't have the number of countries. We were very interested in that and we researched where we could find information. Of course, sometimes information is available only in a language we cannot read very well.
We looked at sixteen OECD countries. Out of that number, ten did not have legislation. Six had legislation, and two of those had a poverty reduction focus. One was the U.K., and Belgium also has a reference to poverty reduction.
There is the interesting case of Sweden. Some authors are referring to that situation as a case of Sweden having enacted comprehensive legislation on ODA, with poverty reduction and other criteria, but it looks more like their parliament has approved a government policy. It's a very wide-ranging, thick document discussing all sorts of aspects of ODA. So I would not put Sweden in the group of countries that have enacted legislation on ODA. It doesn't seem to be one anyway.
So you have ten out of sixteen.