Actually, Mr. Goldring, my colleague from the Department of Finance is probably better placed to deal with those questions on debt reduction. I would ask him to respond. He'll be speaking in the next while.
Certainly we have counted both multilateral debt reduction, as well as things that Canada as the national government chooses to write off as ODA, if it's to a developing country.
Going back to your earlier question of a moment ago, I should also emphasize that the broadening of the definition of ODA has occurred at the same time as donors have repeatedly--as recently and importantly as in the millennium development goals--reasserted the importance of combatting poverty. The two are not in conflict with each other. You can have a policy goal of making poverty a principal focus of development assistance but at the same time regard your official development assistance as a flexible instrument to accomplish related international objectives such as peace and security. Certainly that's been itemized in some detail in the millennium development goals, which all donors and participating countries are expected to meet.