Mr. McKay, you made a comment about including this, and I would suggest just the opposite: not including democracy development and government development. I would suggest not including it.
I believe it's consistent with paragraph 4(1)(a), which says it “contributes to poverty reduction”. That's what we're saying in this--it could include the principles of democracy and environmental sustainability as a method of helping to contribute to poverty reduction.
By not having it in there, that very point could happen. If somebody was viewing this as a tightly formed contract and read the words and expressions on doesn't mention that at all. If somebody is making a decision on whether development funds or assistance funds for poverty reduction are going ahead and they do not connect governance and do not connect democracy development as being an integral and important part of poverty reduction, then it's very easy for some of those good initiatives to fall off the table--because they're not considered under the purview of this bill.
This came out in the meetings yesterday with the principals from the department too. They said that because it's narrowly defined, it could very well impact some initiatives that truly could help in poverty reduction. That's why I think updating with the democracy and updating with the environmental sustainability would both contribute greatly to poverty reduction.