Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I'm going to be very brief because Mr. Patry asked the question I wanted to ask.
Thank you for coming to meet with us, Ms. Ethier, even though your comments are rather alarming, although they do echo some ideas we've heard discussed for a very long time. If international aid worked, countries would have moved beyond underdevelopment a long time ago. However, underdevelopment is being mass-produced.
I was in Rwanda in 1980 when all of the international organizations were there, and the only thing growing was the number of employees of international organizations. So, even if what you have to say is hard to listen to, I think that basically, we have to admit that as it is currently designed, aid doesn't work very well.
I suppose it's no coincidence that the model you presented as a model that might be successful under certain circumstances is conditionality, which worked in some European countries.
That said, what has to be done? I know the question is a broad one.