That's fine. I think that's a useful clarification.
I'd just say that the five pools that are in international assistance are what the Government of Canada has used for the last 12 years to categorize, if you will, their international assistance. So it's not as if we're just picking this thing out of the middle of the air.
As to Mr. Menzies' issue, the whole point of the bill is to try to give some discipline to Canada's official development assistance. And the discipline is whether you can meet the three tests--poverty alleviation, human rights standards, and taking into account perspectives of the poor--so that it's not flavour of the month or flavour of the year.
If in fact the government wants to go to flavour of the month or flavour of the year, that's fine. But if it can't meet the test, it won't be ODA-able. That's the issue. That's the point of the bill.
Now, I think the testimony of the finance department people, or maybe it was the foreign affairs department, was that 90%--I think that's the number--of our international assistance is in fact ODA-able. So all this bill does is ultimately provide more precision, definition, and accountability to what we're trying to achieve here.