As the minister has just said, we have, this year, changed the way in which our expenditures are expressed. The layout highlights those who benefit from our contributions, namely, the partner countries, by concentration and category, countries in crisis, regions, multilateral institutions and Canadian partners. This is a transition year which makes it difficult to establish a connection. This new structure will provide us with a better indication of results as they apply to the development aid recipients.
You indicated that there appear to be major changes to certain categories. There are two reasons to explain that. First, this year's budget provides less direct emergency food aid but more humanitarian aid. The amounts are lower in some categories, while they are higher in others.
The second reason is that, with Bill C-48, we can make investments in some areas, including the Global Fund to Fight Aids, turberculosis and malaria. These investments represent $125 million taken from the end-of-year budgets. Since these amounts had already been provided for in Bill C-48, we were able to transfer expenditures to other categories in our regular budget.
This helped to reduce our regular budget. In other words, we had already invested these amounts at the end of the fiscal year, as per Bill C-48. If you would like more details, I could ask our—