Mr. Chair, colleagues, I am pleased to appear before you again to discuss the main estimates as they apply to the Canadian International Development Agency for the fiscal year 2007-2008. I will also be happy to review our activities in Afghanistan and the results we are achieving.
Three members of CIDA's executive team have joined me today. They are: Robert Greenhill, the President of CIDA; Ms. Diane Vincent, Executive Vice-President; and Mr. Greg Graham, Acting Vice-President of Human Resources and Corporate Services.
You will recall that this government has made a commitment to ensuring that Canada's aid programs deliver tangible results, while making effective and efficient use of resources. The main estimates for 2007-2008 include $3.026 billion in budgetary spending for CIDA and a further $22.6 million in non-budgetary investments. Together, these amounts represent a $74.3 million increase over CIDA'S main estimates for the fiscal year now drawing to a close.
As committee members are aware, in last week's budget, the Minister of Finance reiterated the government's commitment to increase spending on international assistance by 8% in 2007-2008 as part of the overall objective to double Canada's international aid between 2001 and 2011. The additional 8% translates into a total increase of $289 million in 2007-2008. These incremental funds are being provided to several departments through the main estimates, including the Department of Foreign Affairs, the RCMP, the International Development Research Centre, as well as CIDA.
The 2007 budget also provides for $315 million in new assistance. Specifically, there will be $200 million in additional aid for the Afghanistan Program and $115 million in funding for a global initiative geared towards the development of a pneumococcal vaccine.
I'm proud that this year's budget places emphasis on both aid effectiveness and increased accountability. Mr. Chairman, this agency's program conforms to a three-point strategy contained in the budget. It sets out to: better target aid dollars; increase aid effectiveness; and improve accountability.
Mr. Chairman, I would like to talk about CIDA's work in Afghanistan, the single largest recipient of Canadian development assistance. Canada's contribution to the reconstruction and development of that country is improving daily life for many thousands of its people. Afghans had borne to the burden of Taliban oppression. Women have been deprived of all their rights.
I would like to remind the committee that we are in Afghanistan at the request of the Afghan government. We are collaborating with 36 other countries. Our actions serve to forge links between security, diplomacy, and development. The efforts of our soldiers, diplomats, and development specialists are bringing about positive change in a very challenging environment.
The Government of Canada has thus far pledged approximately one billion dollars towards the reconstruction of Afghanistan, phased over a 10-year period ending in 2011. As I mentioned earlier, in its last budget, Canada dedicated $200 million to Afghanistan. I wish to be perfectly clear: this is in addition to the $310 million already announced in May 2006. In doing so, Canada has become one of the leading sponsors of bilateral funding in Afghanistan. Between 2001 and 2006-2007, Canada invested almost $600 million towards ensuring the stabilization, development and reconstruction of Afghanistan.
Clearly Afghanistan is a challenging country from the perspectives of security and development. I would like to salute the efforts of our soldiers, diplomats and development officers who are working so hard and so capably. We are making progress, and I would like to refer honourable members to the report that ministers McKay and O'Connor and I recently submitted to Parliament.
Our objectives are to help the people of Afghanistan help themselves towards development, and to strengthen the country's emerging democratic practice. This means enhancing the capacity of the national government and local authorities to offer services throughout the entire country. It also involves finding a way to grant decision-making power to the country's most marginalized people. Already, Canadian aid supports programs run by the Afghans, thereby ensuring local stewardship, accountability and community participation.
I would like to draw your attention toward the main channels of intervention and the results we have achieved over the past year.
One of the cornerstones of rebuilding Afghanistan through the multilateral system has been the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF). The fund is a key mechanism for building the Afghan government's planning capacity, its fiduciary controls, fiscal discipline, accountability and transparency. Canada is among the top five donors to this fund, which contributes through regular salary payments to more than 270,000 civil servants, including 144,000 teachers. This has facilitated the delivery of basic services, particularly in health and education.
The Afghan government is especially proud to report that over 6 million children have returned to school this month, compared to 5.4 million last year. Nearly 35% of these children are girls. This is a major accomplishment, when we consider that, by contrast, there were only 700,000 children in school in 2001—and not one girl among them.
Another solid building block that has exceeded our expectations is the Micro-finance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan, better known as MISFA. As of January 31, 2007, there were over 300,000 Afghans—three quarters of them women—obtaining small loans and savings services. Each month, the program reaches an average of 10,000 new clients. MISFA has received very positive third-party evaluations and we are proud to be its largest bilateral donor, having invested $56 million since the beginning of the program, including $28 million in the past year alone.
CIDA contributes to save communities by supporting the United Nations Mine Action Service which has brought about, among other achievements: a reduction of almost 20% of known landmine-explosive remnants of war-contaminated areas; a 55% decline in the monthly average number of victims since 2001.
CIDA was one of the first sponsors of the National Area-Based Development Program, which supports communities in governing their own development at the district level. More than 540 recovery projects such as dams, roads, bridges, and irrigation canals have been established, benefiting over two million people.
In terms of the $200 million announced in the 2007 budget, Canada will also support other national initiatives, such as the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, MISFA, the National Solidarity Program and the Anti-mine Program for Afghanistan, and will provide support for construction of the Spin Boldak road.
CIDA also supports Canada's bilateral initiatives, in collaboration with a variety of partners. These joint efforts have yielded impressive results. The Alternative Livelihoods Program in northeastern Afghanistan, implemented by the Aga Khan Foundation of Canada in cooperation with the government of Afghanistan, is helping close to 30,000 households in over 200 communities to identify, implement and sustain a wide array of projects that are improving the lives of thousands of Afghan men, women and children.
Yet another example of a bilateral initiative: the International Development and Law Organization has been active in various areas of justice in Afghanistan. This organization has trained 75 prosecutors in juvenile justice, financial and gender crimes, and 90 judges, including 16 women judges, in civil, commercial and criminal law procedure.
Turning to our efforts in Kandahar province, I am happy to say that despite the considerable challenges of operating in southern Afghanistan, we have concrete and encouraging results to report.
We anticipate spending more than $30 million this year, five times more than in 2005-06. One of our top priorities has been to meet the basic needs of Kandaharis. The ongoing CIDA-supported measles vaccination program targets 189,000 children and 10,000 women of child-bearing age. In addition, CIDA funds a vaccination program that is now immunizing 350,000 children under the age of five against the threat of polio. This disease is making a resurgence in Afghanistan; we all know of its terrible consequences.
In further response to the basic needs of the people of Kandahar, CIDA is working alongside UNICEF, which provides vulnerable families with items such as tents and blankets, as well as health and medical supplies. In addition, our Emergency Food Assistance program has distributed over 2,000 metric tons of food to more than 10,000 families.
CIDA is proud to be a trusted partner in the National Solidarity Program, which has been successful in Kandahar and elsewhere in the country. In Kandahar province, it has helped villages to elect 482 community development councils, which have in turn delivered over 440 local development projects. For example, more than 59 kilometres of canals are now available to villagers, 14 bridges have been built or renovated and the road network has been extended by 113 kilometres.
Thanks to this program, villages can determine their development priorities and implement the projects they have identified. Since last August, more than 50 new community development councils have been established.
Mr. Chairman, I am confident you will agree that the details I have just reviewed with you clearly outline the link between our levels of investment in Afghanistan, the practical activities they are moving forward, and the tangible results achieved to date.
I will be pleased to answer the committee's questions now.