I thank you for the question.
As I indicated in my presentation, progress has been made in the province of Kandahar, particularly with the election of a community development council. The National Solidarity Program was also highly successful. The province of Kandahar faces a particular situation with regard to security. As we stabilize some of the areas in the province, we can carry out development work and assist local populations. In those areas where we cannot conduct development work, we at least provide humanitarian assistance.
Our government is investing in Africa. At the G8 Summit last July, the Prime Minister announced that Canada would increase its spending on educational programs in Africa from $100 million to $150 million and invest $450 million by 2016 to, among other things, consolidate health systems.
One of the highlights of the latest budget was the 8% increase in international assistance. The money is there. We will most certainly spend it in the manner announced by Minister Flaherty, by targeting our resources and ensuring that the assistance is provided more effectively.