Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and welcome back, no matter how painful it is.
I must take issue with some of your assertions about misleading the House. I did publicly say in the House that the information I provided with respect to the capabilities of the International Red Cross and whether they would report back to us was based on the information I had at the time. As soon as I found out the information was wrong, I apologized to the House.
With respect to the other assertions, I don't accept that I misled anything at all. We have been in constant contact with the Independent Human Rights Commission. We have asked them if they have any problems. They have basically said that whatever challenges they have, they're well within their capacity to solve, and they have not asked for our help. We have done this on a continuous basis.
With respect to your last point about the report that is referred to in the Globe and Mail, I haven't seen that report. I'm not aware of it, and I don't know how it was transmitted through the government. But it's a Foreign Affairs report, and you'd have to talk to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.