This is the one that was distributed by the clerk. On the earlier one that I distributed, Bernard had proposals for amendments. I'm happy to read it, if that's the quickest way to make sure we're all looking at the same thing.
That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, as part of its ongoing concern for the crisis in Darfur and consideration of issues of corporate social responsibility, invite senior officiaIs from DFAIT, CIDA, and other relevant departments, as we as the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide, to appear before the committee to share knowledge about what Canadian public and private funds are currently invested in Sudan, and explore legislative initiatives the Canadian govemment could put forward to set regulations for such investments, and report to the House on its findings.
Going right back to the first reference to crisis in Darfur, this is really picking up where some very good earlier work left off to update and try to move forward on addressing the crisis in Darfur. I think that was originally an initiative that came from Madame Lalonde, if I'm not mistaken.
Secondly, on the issue of corporate social responsibility, everybody in the committee will be aware of the earlier work done by the subcommittee, then endorsed by the full committee. We also passed a motion calling for us to follow through. We're still waiting for the government's report back, and I guess in the context of any debate around this, government members may be able to shed some light on this. When we originally asked for there to be a reporting back, it was suggested that the government would be only too eager to do it, probably within two or three weeks. It's now past two and a half months and we've had nothing reported back, so it's really to say let's take some responsibility to address this further.
Finally--I've jumped over this, so I'm simply going back--the all-party Parliamentary Committee for the Prevention of Genocide, as everybody here will know, has been doing a good deal of work on Darfur and they had a full day's round table that was attended by representatives of all parties and a lot of civil society, and want to bring forward the work into the context of this committee. It's really combining those three elements.