One hundred states have now ratified the statute. This is an exceptionally quick pace of ratification, if we compare it with any other major treaty. The Law of the Sea Convention, which did not affect the domestic system of states as the ICC does, took something like 12 years to enter into force. The ICC statute took five years to enter into force.
This is a very, very young institution. You cannot expect those who are still waiting to see how the court behaves to come en masse immediately. The court has not gone through a full cycle yet. We have had pre-trial chamber proceedings, some of which have been appealed, but we have not yet had a trial. A trial can only begin after the confirmation of charges, if these are confirmed in September against the first suspects.
So I think this is all a matter of a little time. As I said, it's a very, very young institution. Also, among the states that you mentioned, Russia has not ratified the statute, but has signed the Rome Statute.