I could answer you by saying that's a question for the prosecutor, but I'll nevertheless give you an additional answer. Unlike the ad hoc tribunals created by the Security Council, the International Criminal Court is in a very different situation. Those tribunals dealt with crimes that had been committed in the past, in the context of conflicts that were over. The Court deals with crimes that are still being committed in the context of continuing conflicts.
This creates a situation of extreme vulnerability for the Court, not only for its staff, but also for victims and witnesses. In the case of Darfur, for example, I know, because it's been said publicly, that the prosecutor interviewed a lot of victims and witnesses, but always outside Darfur because he was unable to guarantee the safety of all those people in Darfur. This is one of the main barriers we encountered. Here again, we absolutely need the cooperation of international organizations to assist us in getting through stages as difficult as that.