I'm not sure. Next time, I will bring ma montre.
Congratulations, Mr. McNee. You hold an extremely important position. I have two lines of questioning.
The first one deals with the qualities that you mentioned. The ones that you listed are important, but I would like to add two more. The ability to advise the government and the ability to negotiate. I'm not saying that you don't already have those qualities, but I would like you to tell us what you think. From your vantage point, you can assess Canada's standing in the world, and you can see that the country, because of the recent change in government, can now exercise more influence with certain countries and less with others. You can most certainly influence the government by providing your take on a given issue. In my opinion, the ability to advise the government is extremely important because you are on the ground and you can assess the situation.
As to the ability to negotiate, you are aware that Sudan refused the Darfur proposal to have a peacekeeping force in that country. When that type of thing occurs, what do you recommend to the government? Would the ability to negotiate not be an important asset?