Colleagues, welcome. This is meeting number 11 of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, Tuesday, February 5, 2008.
Our orders of the day include a briefing on the situation in Somalia. As witnesses, from the Canadian International Development Agency we have Nadia Kostiuk, the assistant general director of geographic programs and vice-president, Africa; and Ken Neufeld, director of geographic programs, east and southern Africa division, Africa branch. From the Department of Foreign Affairs, we have David Angell, director general, Africa bureau.
In our second hour we will deal with committee business.
I also want to welcome a number of other colleagues here. All of us are very concerned and very aware of the reasons for which we've asked you to come today, namely the events that have gone on in Somalia. Over the last couple of weeks we've looked at issues in Burma. Today we will look at issues in Somalia. Within the next little while it will be Sudan and other areas of Africa as well.
We look forward to your briefings. We thank you for coming.
We'll invite Mr. Angell to give us his presentation.