I'm not saying that. The army presence can continue, but negotiations should start now.
Yes, Canada has made progress on the socio-economic side, but we have completely failed on the security reform side. The police are not working out. They are corrupt. We have invested funds in the justice system, but it is not working out. The ministry of the interior that is responsible for the police force is extremely corrupt. Counter-narcotic strategy has failed. None of these things have worked.
I'm not blaming anybody, but in this kind of complex situation things can fail. We should learn from the lessons and try to coordinate better. Canada is training the police force or the army its own way, the Germans are doing it a different way, the Italians are doing it a different way, and the U.S. is doing it a different way. The country is not going to gain that way.
Therefore I am saying that capacity building requires better coordination in the international community. Leadership and design must come from the Afghans, and then the international community should coordinate. Otherwise it is not going to work.