In relation to the question about how you address impunity inside the Karzai government, there are a couple of opportunities coming up in the near future that could at least address it in a small measure.
One is that there's a recommendation in the Afghanistan Compact, as it is right now, for a senior appointments panel. The senior appointments panel is meant to vet all appointments to the administration—the police chiefs, local district governors, and so on. Canada and other donors have a distinct opportunity to take a very strong diplomatic role in ensuring that the senior appointments panel functions fully and credibly and doesn't become manipulated by the government.
The other is, in the elections that are coming up in 2009, making sure that people who run for Parliament are not linked to illegal armed groups out there. There is reform of the electoral law going on right now, and it's a question of taking a stronger diplomatic role to make sure these things are consistent with our norms and standards.