All right.
There have been a number of motions brought forward. Before we get to those motions, the steering committee became aware, through our clerk and through Gerry, of the seminar that is being held at the Château Laurier on December 10 to 11, I believe, entitled “Peacebuilding in Afghanistan: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead”. This is sponsored by the University of Ottawa.
I think all parties could say that we were impressed with the witnesses who are coming to this seminar. Barnett Rubin will be there. There are a number of experts from around the world who will be at this.
There is a motion to look at Afghanistan. Again, even to travel off the Hill, we have to have certain arrangements set up.
There will be a former foreign minister of Afghanistan. There will be a lot of different groups mentioned, so we would want to take in that seminar on the regular committee day.