Sir, first of all, no, I cannot. That's not because I'm trying to avoid the question or sidestep it or anything. It's simply this. We're in a real short-term process to see how quickly we can meet what the Manley panel said. Much of this, that we needed helicopters, that we needed UAVs, came from me; it was also reinforced by others. We're in a short-term process to see if we can lease helicopters in the next several months. So contract negotiations and those kinds of things are ready to start. You cannot define the cost of that until you're actually in those contract negotiations.
Secondly, we want to see if we can offer the government an option to buy some CH-47s that are already operationally equipped for the mission in Afghanistan from the U.S. Army. They're slightly older helicopters, but they're operationally fit. We don't know what they will cost at this point in time. We have to walk through that first part, define the cost, and say, here's what we can get for this amount of money, or here's the value we can get that we think is operational, and here's what it will cost.