Mr. Chairman, first of all, I would say that we, as soldiers, but then we as part of the whole-of-government approach from Canada, working with the Department of Foreign Affairs and CIDA, work with the government structures inside of Kandahar province right up through to the national level in Kabul all the time.
We work with the district leaders and their shuras, the gatherings of the elders who help run that district. We work with the provincial governor, Governor Khalid, and the government of Kandahar province. And obviously we work with the national government. We work with them to facilitate all the things they want and need to do, including the return of refugees, some of whom have been out of the country for 30 years or more. So we do that all the time.
What we do not see much of on the ground in Kandahar province are the international or non-governmental organizations that could facilitate that direct work on the ground itself. There are not many of them in Kandahar province itself, and we'd like to see more there.