Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning to you and committee members.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs is unfortunately not able to join us today. He is out of the country. He has asked me to speak on his behalf, and I am delighted to have a very competent team with me who will be able to answer many of your questions when we get to that portion of the discussion this morning.
I am pleased to speak to you today on the subject of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States, which I will refer to as “the Convention” in my remarks.
The Convention was sponsored by the World Bank to facilitate and increase the flow of international investment. The Convention establishes rules under which investment disputes between states and nationals of other states may be solved by means of conciliation or arbitration. It also creates the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, known as ICSID to administer cases brought under the Convention. Canada signed the Convention on December 15, 2006.
Mr. Chairman, before a country can join ICSID, as it's fondly known, it needs to pass legislation providing for ICSID awards to be enforceable in its courts. Bill C-9, which is under study by the committee, deals with enforcement of ICSID awards for or against the federal government and foreign governments, including constituent subdivisions designated by foreign governments.
There are numerous reasons to support Canada's adherence to the convention. It would contribute to enforcing Canada's image as an investment-friendly country. It would provide additional protection to Canadian investors abroad by allowing them to have recourse to ICSID arbitration in their contracts with foreign states. It would also allow investors of Canada and foreign investors in Canada to bring investment claims under ICSID arbitral rules, where such clauses are contained in our foreign investment protection agreements and free trade agreements.
International investment arbitration is growing in importance. For instance, the stock of Canadian direct investment abroad in 2005 increased to a record $469 billion. As a result of the globalization of investment, the number of investment disputes has greatly increased in the last five years.
ICSID arbitration has soared. Only 110 ICSID arbitrations have been completed over the past 40 years, but 105 proceedings are now under way. The NAFTA parties alone have faced over 40 investor-state arbitration claims since NAFTA entered into force.
The tremendous growth in investment and investor-stated disputes has made Canada's failure to ratify ICSID the focus of attention by Canadian business, the Canadian legal community, and our trading partners. To date, 143 states have ratified the ICSID convention. The majority of our major trading partners are parties to it, except for Mexico, India, and Brazil. Ratifying ICSID would bring Canadian policy into line with our OECD partners. In a survey conducted by the ICSID centre in 2004, 79% of the respondents said ICSID plays a vital role in their country's legal framework and 61% said ICSID membership has contributed to a positive investment climate.
The ICSID regime provides several important advantages, and compared to other arbitration mechanisms, the ICSID regime provides better guarantees regarding enforcement of awards and more limited local court intervention. Any arbitral award rendered under the auspices of ICSID is binding and any resulting pecuniary obligation must be enforced as if the award were a final domestic court judgment.
Moreover, all ICSID contracting states, whether or not parties to the dispute, are required by the convention to recognize and to enforce ICSID arbitral awards. Investors often prefer to rely on such arbitrations rather than on the local courts of the country whose measures are in dispute, to ensure an independent resolution of the dispute.
ICSID's relationship to the World Bank assists investors in obtaining compliance with ICSID awards and its roster of arbitrators gives investors access to well-qualified arbitrators at ICSID-controlled rates, with extensive experience in international investment arbitration. ICSID also provides important institutional support for litigants.
The ICSID convention is a well-known tool for the settlement of investment disputes, therefore the interpretation of the convention and its usefulness are predictable. It is difficult to quantify how often Canadian businesses active abroad would use the convention for protecting their activities.
Canada already has numerous links with ICSID. Provisions consenting to ICSID arbitration are commonly found in contracts between governments of other countries and Canadian investors. The NAFTA in chapter 11, the Canada-Chile FTA, and most of our bilateral foreign investment protection agreements, or FIPAs, provide for ICSID as a dispute settlement option that can be chosen by an investor if both the state of the investor and the host state for the investor are party to ICSID.
However, Canada and Canadian investors cannot benefit from this choice if Canada is not a member. This is an increasingly important problem. Within Canada the use of ICSID would be consistent with the government's policy of supporting the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, or ADRs, for investor-state disputes. While ICSID is less expensive and more efficient than current alternatives, it is not expected to lead to increased litigation against the government.
For Canada, as a shareholder of the World Bank, there is no additional cost for joining ICSID by adopting the convention.
Provincial and territorial legislation is needed to ensure the enforcement of arbitral awards rendered in a dispute involving a province or territory designated as a constituent subdivision and which has consented to ICSID arbitration. The federal government has provided assurances that any province and territory that so wishes would be designated a constituent subdivision under the Convention.
The provinces and territories have indicated that they support the Convention in principle. They have also recommended that all jurisdictions, including the federal government must be take steps for the adoption of the legislation implementing the Convention.
Ontario passed implementing legislation in 1999. British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nunavut passed such legislation in 2006.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs would encourage you to study this bill and improve it in order to facilitate adherence by Canada to the convention as soon as possible.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.