In terms of non-signatories, Mexico is probably the most glaring example of a major trading country and a major investment host that's not a member.
I have concerns from the standpoint that, from a Canadian investor's perspective, once we ratify, assuming we ratify ICSID, it would be much better to have that process available vis-à-vis Mexico. However, the fact that one country out of 143...or a lot of those countries are fairly minor countries. But if you had to pick the top 20 countries where Canadian investment goes, or the top 30, 40, or 50, my bet would be that 49 of the 50 are on that list.
So on balance, while it would be better to have Mexico, on balance its absence--or the absence of any of the other countries--is certainly not a reason. How do you get them on board? That becomes....
I don't know why Mexico isn't on board, so that's something you could put to the foreign affairs people.