My apologies to Madame Barbot. I didn't have the earpiece in, so I couldn't hear your questions. I'll let Professor Potter and Professor Paltiel try to respond to your question.
I'll just try to respond to the first question.
Your question was very concrete--specific examples of individual and religious freedoms. My colleagues have already talked about the constraints.
On leisure time, I think we can say the party state has withdrawn more and more from leisure time, so it's individual leisure time.
There is also the right, for example, to choose your job and where you want to work, so market society, consumption rights, and economic rights. I think that's where we see the increase of individual freedoms and rights in China.
On the religious side, clearly there are serious constraints on religious freedom in China, but I think the biggest constraints are at the level of not permitting proselytization and ensuring that or wanting religious organizations to gain the approval and licensing from the state. Other than that, though, there have been increases in religious activity in China.
I'll stop there.