In the beginning, to build up the greatest room for Canadian NGOs to operate in China, it would be important to set up ways in which those NGOs could interact with the Chinese side in a way that builds trust and confidence--to create the room for them to operate in. You'd want to think through very clearly who the partners would be on the Chinese side.
When they're receiving, the Chinese government will probably have some organizations, such as what they call CANGO, the China association for NGOs. Those are umbrella organizations that we historically haven't taken seriously, but they've actually morphed in some interesting ways over the last 15 years. They've taken on some new roles as they compete with more autonomous NGOs, if you want to call them that. So this is the Chinese-sanctioned umbrella entity.
So in the initial phase we'd want to think through how to create the right partnership arrangements so that those Canadian NGOs could operate where there's some confidence and trust on the Chinese side. But then we'd have a phase-in strategy to begin to create more room for independent or autonomous types of rights promotion.