I certainly agree that the Prabhakaran thing has become a cult. I don't think there's any question about that. But when you stress that we're not going to find a solution as long as he is seen as the leader or as long as he's given that position of authority—and maybe Mr. Bush could come in on this, too, because of his experience—my perception is that in the last two or three years there really has been a reversion in the Sinhala community, whereas we had a period of time, for about 10 years, when there was a great deal of openness to various possibilities.
I'm not saying anything happened, but I'm just saying there was a lot of openness. You know, you could talk the F-word—that's federalism—you could do a lot of things, and you could get to some interesting dialogue. The Rajapaksa brothers are not interested in this stuff, you know, and I wonder whether there isn't at least a case to be made that there has been a dramatic hardening on both sides, and that's really the challenge that we've faced over the last little while.