Thank you very much.
My name is Muttukumaru Chandrakumaran. Unfortunately, I was introduced with the wrong association. I am the international director for the Rotary Club of Pickering. We do international projects.
I thank the members for the opportunity to review my thoughts on the situation in Sri Lanka and what Canada can do to implement permanent peace.
I am a democratic Tamil. I was born in Jaffna. I moved to Kandy, the capital for Sinhalese people. My family and my parents lived in harmony in Kandy. Then I moved to Colombo, where I grew up. I moved within all ethnic groups, and we had friendships. This harmony was disrupted by the power-greedy politicians. They were looking for power more than anything. This is the main reason this conflict is here.
I left Sri Lanka in 1978 after the communal trouble in 1977, in which I almost got killed. After so much suffering, Sri Lankans got their first peace in 1985, but the peace deal was signed only in 2002.
In that year, my family got their first chance to visit Sri Lanka after 22 years. When I had a chance to move around freely in Colombo and the southern part, I thought my teenage years had come back, because we were free to move. There was no fear among the Sinhalese or Tamils. We were free to move.
But there was a problem, because when we went to the LTTE area, they had been trained and had undergone certain group...[Inaudible--Editor]. When I went into Thandikulam, which is the LTTE area, questions were asked. Why had I come? Who asked you to come? Where are you going to stay? These were the types of questions. Those kids didn't have proper education facilities, they didn't have any communication outside. This has to be broken down.
If Canada wants to get involved in the peace process and achieve a peaceful solution, they should clean up their backyard first. I'm telling you this because, as Sri Lankan Tamil Canadians here, we are in a worse situation than in an LTTE-controlled area, but police can't do anything because there is no power. People can't even move or have anything.
When we called Honourable Bob Rae to have a first peace meeting in 2007, he was willing. The meeting was organized by three communities, Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslims--the first ever. We wanted to find solutions. He was called by this group. They said, don't go. They sent e-mails, and they even tried to stop the meeting. They came. They sent some people to disturb the meeting, but luckily for us, we had some security arranged earlier.
Even the Sri Lankan Tamils want to live in harmony, but this group has to be stopped. The Tamil children and youth in Vanni, Sri Lanka, have had their rights, family values, opportunities, education, and communication with the outside world taken out.
I have shown some pictures to you. Look at those children.
I did a program after the tsunami to educate the students in Vanni and Ampara, over 3,500 students. I asked our Canadian agency for some sort of help, and they said no. I had to use our own money, $30,000, which we collected ourselves, and we did this. We are not getting any help from Canadian authorities to do anything at all. I don't know how we can approach this, how we can do anything.
The biggest problem we are facing in Canada is our younger generation. There has been a hatred created between the Tamil and Sinhalese youth because of this issue. If they're not going to stop these things, we are going to have a big problem here.
I have given a CD with some of the information. At least have a look at those CDs. Youths and kids are dressed in army uniforms and acting like freedom fighters or like...I can't say what name. What do you expect from them? That is going into their minds.
Even the RCMP is not able to stop these things. Nobody is, because the law in Canada says that it's freedom of speech. Where is that freedom of speech going to go? We are going to have more terrorism here than back home. The group here doesn't even want peace in Sri Lanka, because they can have a life of luxury when they're living here in Canada. Some of those people don't even work. They have four houses and luxury cars and are running around. What do they do?
One elderly lady who is 65 came to me and said, “Look, I go out in the early morning. At seven o'clock I get up, I take some food from my fridge, and I go to work. But these people sleep until ten o'clock, get dressed, put on a full suit, and say to give them money, otherwise I can't go home.” These people are given money, and nobody can stop this, but where the money is going nobody knows.
Why can't Canada set up an account and tell all the Tamil people that Canada has set up an account here, we'll give them a tax credit, and we'll match the money? We can do a lot of work in that area and can change the situation in Sri Lanka.
I've given you a couple of CDs, and when you play them you can see how they are.... Even if you are going to run an election in Canada, we have to get permission from that group. I don't know what we have here in Canada. A lot of people don't know, but everything is on the CD. Definitely, we have to get permission.
This group is creating more hatred among the Tamils than anything. There are more Sikh MPs than the population...Inaudible--Editor]. As Canadians, we don't look at it as Sikh, Muslim, French, or anything. We work as Canadians.
If we are going to allow this group to do this, the RCMP can't do anything here. Nobody can, because the laws are tight and you can't do anything. In fact, nobody gets advice from the RCMP before they even allow a guy to come into Canada. This is the biggest problem we have here. Anybody can walk in. But what are the politicians doing? Nothing.
I am telling you that today when I go out of here after telling these things, my family and my life will be in trouble. That's the life that most of us Tamils are living in Canada, especially in Toronto. Everything is happening, but what actions are taken here? There's nothing. How can we clean up other people's backyards unless we clean up our own backyard?
When you look at these CDs, you can see what is happening. Even the media and the TV can't video and broadcast these things unless they get permission from this group. I am telling you everything on the CD. The newscaster is telling what is happening. How can a human being like me can stop it?
I have a couple of examples. They even came to my house three times and asked for money. They asked me for $2,000. They said, “Give us your number, your PIN.” I said that I didn't have that kind of money. They said I should move from my small house, that I should sell my house and give them the money. The guy who came to collect money from my house has upgraded his house and he has bought a van, without cash. Where's the money? What action we can take?
Also, for public meetings, what they do is that they don't announce any event until the previous evening. Only at six o'clock will they say that this event is taking place and at what place. What can the RCMP or anybody do? Nobody can do anything, with the law as it is. What's the point of having security forces there to look after the people when they can't act? Unless laws are changed in Canada to help, we are going to be in big trouble.
Thank you.