We did in fact double our aid to Africa as of this financial year. It was $2.1 billion. CIDA was responsible for $800 million of that. This was a commitment that was made by the government at a G8 summit, so we were very proud that we were actually able to fulfill that commitment. This was not only CIDA, it was the whole of government involving DFAIT and Finance and IDRC, so it was a real concerted effort on the part of many different organizations.
Thirty years ago, the east African community was a thriving institution. Then it fell into disrepute and disrepair and virtually collapsed with many of the economies in that part of the world. Now it's back on the map, so to speak, and it's a thriving organization with real prospects for the future.
Mr. Sunquist highlighted in the opening statement our regional program in that part of the world and the role that Kenya plays in that part of the world. We will continue to be involved in these regional efforts, because maybe even at the end of the day it will be progress in the region that will drive progress at the country level.
So I fully support your comments about regional organizations in that part of the world.