Yes. You are correct. Canadian companies, I can assure you, are not mixed up in the fighting. As far as I know, only one Canadian company, Banro Corporation, which set up shop in Kivu in 2004, is still doing exploration. It is the source of extremely localized fighting because people are waiting. Exploration work has been underway since 2004 and people wonder when extraction will begin. The answer is as follows: once the company's shares on the stock exchange have sufficiently increased in value. That is my answer.
To the more important question that you asked, as to whether greater diplomatic representation within the country would help the situation, I would answer: of course. I am not in the best position. I told you about an advisor who is here with us. He could talk about this in greater detail, if you want to know more about it. Our opinion is that there has been a decrease. From having met all the ambassadors working throughout the region, I know that they had an excellent knowledge not only of the problems, but also of the players. They were able to talk with each of these players, which, in my opinion, is no longer possible at present.