In the eastern province, meaning in North Kivu, you are correct, it is the LRA, the Ugandan rebels who are hiding out in the eastern province and who have taken control of part of that territory. Uganda, along with Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, tried to neutralize these foreign rebel groups. This joint mission was truly a disaster. They did not succeed in weakening this militia. On the contrary, now, it has reached into the Central African Republic. Again today, we are hearing reports saying that they remain active in that area.
Among the destabilizing groups, as you called them, there are still those groups called the interhamwe, the FDLR. The Congolese have been very careful to make a distinction between the FDLR, those who want to go back to Rwanda—they have their own demands—and the Rwandan refugees, who are not members of those rebel groups. Unfortunately, when we talk about these interhamwe, these FDLR, they get confused with that other group.
There is still that group called the CNDP, which was a group supported by Rwanda and which is now apparently about to integrate with the army. To date, based on reports, they have not yet been disarmed and are not yet part of the army. According to truck drivers who circulate freely in that region, they apparently still control part of the area.