Thank you for your questions.
If I'm not mistaken, 22 Canadian companies are working in that region.
Our head of mission, our ambassador, has met individually with every company. Our senior trade commissioner has met with these companies to follow up on what corporate social responsibility means and how Canadian companies should best address those issues. We continue to do this in face-to-face meetings with the companies. We continue to do it with the host government to ensure that we're talking about the same kind of standards. At every level, whether company-to-company or with the government, we believe in corporate social responsibility. We want our Canadian companies to represent Canada in the best manner possible.
I think you're aware that the government just announced a new corporate social responsibility policy as a result of the national round table; in fact we've enlisted the assistance of many companies to look at the transparency issues and the human rights issues. We're working with these companies on this issue.