I don't have an answer at this stage, but I think my recommendation would be that a very serious political evaluation needs to be done about the elections, expectations of elections, conditions of elections, and then the fairness of the process. If the elections end up marginalizing the Darfuris more, then perhaps they need to be reconsidered. If elections end up triggering more violence in the south, then perhaps they should be postponed until peace consultation has happened in the south.
But I think the question now is, who will do this political evaluation? Who will be responsible for doing that political evaluation? I think that's a key question, but we won't be able to determine that if we don't have an overall strategy for Sudan, based on the CPA but also based on the day after the CPA. What are the scenarios: secession; violent secession; peaceful secession? Where are we now? What do we really want to see in the next few years?