It is true that the CSR counsellor could not proceed with an investigation if either party decided they didn't want it to continue. So in the case where the CSR counsellor might receive an allegation from the local community, the counsellor would then approach the Canadian company and ask the Canadian company whether it would be willing to proceed to the next step.
If the Canadian company says no, then the counsellor would issue something in writing on the counsellor's website, and it would also go into the counsellor's report to Parliament that this allegation had been received and that the company had declined to allow the counsellor to be involved in trying to understand the facts and do some informal mediation.
We feel that making public the fact that the allegation was received and the company declined to proceed will have a consequence for the company. Many companies, of course, or most of our companies, do want to resolve their CSR disputes with local communities or individuals and would agree to allow an issue or an allegation to proceed, but if they didn't, there would be a written record and that would be made public.