Just speaking to the motion, I have real trouble with it because we're not getting answers as to why he's not being brought back. Every avenue is being exhausted, and I understand that. I understand the frustrations. I understand the government side.
From our side, I think we have a responsibility to exhaust every option that's out there. We might very well ask the minister to comply with this request and he might very well say no. However, this is an important issue to us, and I think Mr. Dewar has brought up something that's urgent to all of us here. I think we have a responsibility to put this forward in a motion and put it to a vote. I'm fully in support of that motion.
A Canadian is stuck somewhere else; he is a Canadian citizen, and all these options are being exhausted. We're sitting here at a pretty major committee within Parliament and we can't seem to come up with any solution as to what to do about a person trapped there because somebody has said there's a reason and therefore he can't come. I didn't get elected to come here thinking that was possible. I guess it is, and legally maybe it is.
I think it should be put to a vote. I think we should have the ability to either support or negate Mr. Dewar's motion.