Thank you.
I do have a question, and I'm just going to use a little of the prerogative of the chair to ask it.
Mr. Abbott suggested at the beginning that there isn't a person in this room, and indeed probably in this city, who doesn't want good CSR standards set. I think we all agree on that; all of us understand the importance of Canada being a model to countries around the world.
However, I also have a few concerns, and one of my concerns is that we're going to hurt the ability of some of our Canadian mining and other corporations to succeed. I think good foreign policy recognizes the importance of putting in place standards so that Canadians can prosper at home and abroad. I think that's what we all want. We want to be certain that once we are out and around the world trying to prosper, we're also laying down standards for CSR as we go.
You mentioned that if there were problems or a complaint were brought forward presently, we would approach the company and the company would then have to give the go-ahead as to whether or not it should proceed. Is there a great lineup of companies that say no, don't proceed?