All right, we'll go to orders of the day.We'll proceed to committee business.
Our clerk will distribute the steering committee report. Your steering committee met last week, or the week before the break. We came forward with some recommendations for the committee. We'll pass those out and let you take a look at them. She will also give you a copy of the proposed calendar.
I want to give you a few minutes to take a look at the steering committee report. I'm not going to read the entire report, but we'll give you a few moments to look it over. There are two pieces of paper: one is the steering committee report, the other is the calendar. This may seem a little confusing. We were not able to pass out the report until we had unanimous consent to proceed with the meeting today, so that's why you're getting it now and not earlier.
You'll take note in the report that item number one is already completed. We had an informal meeting with the exiled Burmese Prime Minister and a delegation from Burma, and I thank all of you who came out for that.
You'll also note that item number two is in reference to today's meeting. We have guests who are waiting to appear as soon as the report is adopted.
Mr. Patry.