The devil is in the details in all these kinds of acts. The example I used in testimony two days ago is that we have two different flu vaccines because we have two different viruses. In other words, you have to be specific with a remedy. In this particular case, if we can pull that analogy over to Bill C-300, the devil is in the details. It might be that we need to be going after flu, whereas in fact we need to be going after H1N1 flu. This bill is not going to touch the H1N1 potential pandemic, if you understand my analogy.
I'm looking under the powers and functions of the ministers. I'll quickly read the clause I'm thinking of:
In carrying out their responsibilities and powers under this Act, the Ministers shall receive complaints regarding Canadian companies engaged in mining, oil or gas activities from any Canadian citizen or permanent resident or any resident or citizen of a developing country in which such activities have occurred or are occurring.
Do you not see that this is a big enough hole to probably slide the Queen Elizabeth 2 through? I mean, why couldn't there be people among the six billion inhabitants of the earth who would bring vexatious actions against Canadian companies? This is a gigantic hole. Or do you disagree with me?