We look at quite a lot of different things, and each situation is somewhat different. One of the things we look at is the track record of the company. Some companies have a well-developed track record and a well-developed CSR program, and they're a lot easier to work with, obviously, because they understand it all. But in some situations we're dealing with companies that are newer. This might be their first venture.
We're obviously trying to develop exports. So we'll look at many things specific to the project, specific to the country. There's the environmental situation in terms of their usage of water, placement of a tailing stem, whether or not it's affecting biodiversity. Those are all tested against the IFC performance standards. Those are not perfect, but they're clear enough that a consensus has been reached that you can make a determination as to whether or not the project can meet those standards. If they do, then we would proceed on the environmental basis.
If the project is located in a country where there are also human rights issues, they can range from all kinds of things. They can range from the government using the property of the mine for security forces to launch things that would be bad. But it could also be things like artisanal mining and how to deal with locals who have been picking away at the side of a cliff and making a tiny living out of it. Some countries encourage it and some companies see it as a way to resettle everybody. We would have to look at that and ask if that's the best method, is there compensation, or are there other ways of dealing with the artisanal mining.
For example, there's one situation where the company has actually provided some more tools and training to the local miners, who will then continue to pick away at it, but under much safer conditions. They then sell their ore to the mine itself instead of having to sneak it off the property and across a border or to some other place where they can sell it.
Each situation is very different, and we have a team that deals with the environmental side; we have a team that deals with the human rights side. Unfortunately with the human rights side, there aren't yet standards that we can say have to be met. So each case is on its own, and we have to see what the issues are and how they will be dealt with.