Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
My name is Donald Raymond and I'm the senior vice-president of public market investments at the CPP Investment Board. I'm joined by my colleague Mr. Dale, senior vice-president of communications and stakeholder relations.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to the committee on Bill C-300.
The CPP Investment Board was created by the federal and provincial governments in 1997, the result of comprehensive reforms to the CPP in the mid-1990s. These reforms were implemented following extensive public consultations with business, labour, senior organizations, and Canadians across the country.
Federal and provincial policy-makers established the CPP Investment Board as an independent professional investment management organization--accountable, yet arm's length from governments--responsible for investing the CPP contributions not needed to pay current benefits.
One of the main concerns expressed by Canadians in 1997, which persists today, is that governments would interfere with the investment decisions of the CPP fund. Our independence, established in the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, addressed these concerns and has contributed to our success. Our long-term goal is to contribute to the financial strength of the CPP, arguably one of Canada's most important social programs, and to help sustain the future pensions of 17 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries.
We have a high degree of accountability to the federal and provincial finance ministers, but the reformers of 1996-97 built important protections around the CPP fund and the CPP Investment Board. For example, the assets in the CPP fund are segregated from government assets and are not tax dollars, as they are contributed directly by employers and employees.
The mandate of the CPP Investment Board, as set out in the act, is simple and fundamental to all of its activities: to maximize the investment rate of return without undue risk of loss. Under the terms of the act we may engage in no other activities. In the pursuit of this very focused mandate we have taken a leadership role in the development and implementation of a policy on responsible investing. This policy articulates how we integrate environmental, social, and governance factors, also known as ESG factors, in how we invest, including Canadian companies in the extractive industries.
As you will hear, the proactive efforts of the CPP Investment Board parallel the intent of Bill C-300 and make its inclusion in the terms of the bill unnecessary. In addition, the bill provides for government ministers to direct investment decisions at the CPP Investment Board. This runs counter to the public policy intent of the federal-provincial reforms of the CPP in 1996-97. Also, because of the provisions of the act, the bill cannot come into force without the required consent of the provincial governments.
Accordingly, we respectfully request that Bill C-300 be amended by this committee in order to remove reference to and, more specifically, direction to the CPP Investment Board.
In considering our approach to responsible investing, it is important to understand the unusually long investment horizon of the CPP fund, which is being invested for decades and generations. While other investors measure their progress by quarter, we look at decades and the quarter century. Being a patient, long-term investor is relevant to our policy on responsible investing because ESG factors tend to play out over longer time horizons.
Secondly, to effectively deliver on our promise to help sustain the CPP, we invest in more than 2,900 public companies around the globe, including more than 600 in Canada. Of that number, approximately 400 are in the extractive industries. As a long-term owner and investor, we believe that responsible behaviour regarding environmental, social, and governance factors by these companies can have a positive influence on their long-term financial performance and therefore to our investment return.
In keeping with our mandate, we view the ESG factors only in terms of investment risk and return. Simply stated, it is in the best interests of the CPP fund when the companies in which we invest meet high standards of disclosure and performance on ESG issues. Our approach to ESG issues is guided by two important documents that have become powerful agents for change, not only for us, but for institutional investors around the world.
The first document is the “United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment”. We contributed to the development of the UNPRI and were in the first group of signatories to this ground-breaking accord in 2006. I was privileged to represent the CPP Investment Board, and was the only Canadian investor involved in the development of this far-reaching initiative. I can report to you today that there are more than 500 signatories to the UN principles, representing more than $18 trillion in assets under management. Like our own policy on responsible investing, the UNPRI reflects the view that effective disclosure and management of ESG factors can positively contribute to the long-term financial performance of investments.
The UN principles are implemented through a collaborative approach coordinated by the UNPRI engagement clearing house, where we work with other global funds to engage companies on ESG issues. In January 2009 this group wrote to 130 companies that had voluntarily committed to standards of disclosure on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption practices—part of the UN global compact.
The CPP Investment Board's own comprehensive policy on responsible investing predates but parallels the UNPRI. Framed by our mandate, this policy articulates how we address these important environmental, social, and governance issues in our investments. A copy of this policy has been provided to this committee.
The implementation of our policy on responsible investing takes a number of forms, including activities that proactively address issues identified by Bill C-300. The first activity is engagement. This involves communicating with the senior executives and board members of companies in which we invest, as well as regulators, industry associations, and other stakeholders.
Our direct engagement activities are highly focused. Most of the companies we select are Canadian. We concentrate on three areas: climate change, executive compensation, and extractive industries—oil and gas, and mining companies. We seek enhanced disclosure and transparency from these companies. Disclosure allows all investors to see and understand the potential risk posed by ESG issues. Disclosure of these risks is the first step to addressing them, and we encourage companies to adopt best practices in the management of ESG issues to improve financial performance.
In the past year we have engaged with Canadian and international companies operating in high-risk countries, including Burma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Guatemala, to encourage improved transparency and risk management strategies. It is important to note that this is our initiative, undertaken proactively in the best interests of the CPP fund. It is not in response to any government requirement or specific complaint from a third party.
Influencing corporate behaviour, as you know, takes time. Engagement is a long-term strategy, but one ideally suited to our long-term approach to investing.
Parallel to our engagement processes, we encourage the investment industry to produce enhanced research and analysis of environmental, social, and governance issues. This research from investment dealers and other research sources helps all investors integrate relevant ESG factors into their investment decisions.
Our policy on responsible investing also informs our voting on shareholder issues via our published proxy voting principles and guidelines. Proxy voting by large investors is effective in enhancing disclosure, transparency, and improved behaviour on environmental, social, and governance issues.
As owners we vote on proposals at public companies' annual and special meetings. Proxy voting allows us to engage with all public companies in our portfolio. In the course of the 2009 proxy voting season we participated in more than 3,000 shareholder meetings, including 555 here in Canada. That count includes companies in the mining and oil and gas industries, both Canadian and international.
We voted on nearly 18,000 agenda items. In 15% of those items we voted against management. We make these results public. A summary of our proxy voting activity is included in our 2009 report on responsible investing, and the results of all proxy votes appear on our website.
As a respected global investor, our actions are closely watched and our voice is heard, not only by the companies in which we invest, but by the broader investment community. We also work with other investors, and a relevant, collaborative approach is our participation in the extractive industries transparency initiative. The EITI brings together companies, investors, non-governmental organizations, and governments, including the Government of Canada. Its focus is on oil and gas and mining companies, precisely because they deal with a range of ESG issues that must be managed effectively for long-term financial performance.
Let me explain how this initiative works. Through the collaborative efforts of EITI signatories, more than 40 of the world's largest oil and gas and mining companies are now actively supporting better transparency in 29 candidate countries. Signatories commit to disclosure of company tax and royalty payments, as well as government revenues from oil and gas and mining. This is key to illuminating sources of corruption in those countries.
Our proactive approach and industry leadership have been recognized internationally. The Social Investment Organization of Canada acknowledged our policy on responsible investing and related engagement approach as positive examples of responsible investing activities. We have been cited by the UNPRI for our disclosure of proxy votes. Our policy on responsible investing and proxy voting principles and guidelines have been named as global best practices.
In summary, the CPP Investment Board was created by the federal and provincial governments to invest at arm's length from governments. Our mandate is to generate investment returns to help sustain the future pensions of 17 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries. The terms of our legislation state that the act may not be amended without the consent of both federal and provincial governments.
Through our policy on responsible investing we have been recognized as a global leader for proactively addressing environmental, social, and governance issues. For these reasons we respectfully submit that Bill C-300 be amended to remove both reference and direction to the CPP Investment Board.
We appreciate the opportunity to appear before this committee today, and we look forward to answering your questions.
Thank you.