It is a legitimate concern that the committee members are raising about competitiveness. What impact is this going to have on Canadian companies versus their peers? Canada is a jurisdiction people seek out to raise mining capital worldwide, because we have some of the best geophysicists and mining analysts. People know that when you raise money here you have to do due diligence. The regulations on our stock exchange governing reserves and disclosure are some of the highest, and you can count on them.
If we did the same with our social responsibility, we wouldn't see capital flight. We've built up a reputation for being the best jurisdiction in the world for raising mining capital. If how we accounted for reserves was a voluntary standard, do you think we'd be in the position we're in? No. It is because they are mandatory. It is because they are backed up by government regulation. If we could do the same with social responsibility, we'd continue to attract the same levels of capital. However, we would also be addressing these other social and environmental risks that our extractive companies are facing every day, without a corrective framework within which to act.