Mr. Chairman, honourable members, my name is Mac Penney, and I am with Kinross Gold Corporation. I'm joined here today by Dina Aloi, the vice-president of corporate social responsibility for Goldcorp, and by Peter Sinclair, a senior director of corporate social responsibility for Barrick Gold.
As representatives of three of Canada's largest international gold mining companies, we appreciate the opportunity to share with the committee some of our concerns with Bill C-300, a bill that we believe is trying to do a good thing but in a very bad way. As companies, we have a fundamental problem with this bill because it proposes a model for corporate social responsibility that, based on our experience in the field, we believe simply will not work.
In our experience, CSR requires a collaborative, flexible, and multi-faceted approach, which is antithetical to the model proposed in Bill C-300. The committee has already heard from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Export Development Canada, the Canada Pension Plan, the Mining Association of Canada, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and a number of legal experts who have spoken about the bill's many substantive deficiencies.
We agree with these submissions, which highlighted among other things the absence of due process, the lack of procedural fairness, the problem of extraterritorial application, constitutional deficiencies, duplication and confusion of rules and processes, the neglect of capacity building, lack of remediation, the impact of targeting Canadian companies, and the lack of consultation with the mining industry.
You will be relieved to know we do not intend to revisit all these points this morning, but we'll focus on some of the practical problems this bill will cause for Canadian companies that deal with CSR every day. Let me make three points to set the context for our presentations.
First, mining companies operate under a very high level of scrutiny and accountability. Mining itself is a very heavily legislated and regulated activity, subject to high levels of oversight by lawmakers, regulators, special interest groups, CSOs, and the media in both the developed and the developing world. Scrutiny and accountability are part of our operating reality.
Second, the companies appearing before you today and Canadian miners generally are recognized internationally as industry leaders in CSR. For us, CSR is a core competency, as important to the success of our business as operational efficiency and safety. CSR is vital to securing and maintaining our social licence to operate. Any member who wants to review our CSR records can consult our CSR reports, which are appended to our formal written submission to the committee.
You will find that our records provide concrete evidence that we agree that Canadian companies should be held accountable for their business practices in conduct abroad. We accept and support the promotion of sustainable development in international human rights, and our support goes well beyond good intentions and rhetoric.
Third, our comments today are based on our collective experience in meeting the complex social, legal, and environmental responsibilities and challenges that confront companies operating in many different countries at many different stages of development with different legal and political systems and different cultures and values. Collectively, we operate some 45 mines in 16 different countries on five continents and directly employ more than 36,000 people, so this is a business we know something about.
Based on that experience, we believe the relatively simplistic, one-dimensional, and punitive approach to CSR proposed by this bill will not work. We believe the bill to be fatally flawed in its conception and in its construction. We believe the bill is prejudicial and harmful in its effects, not only on and to Canadian mining companies but also to the countries and communities in which we operate. Critically, we do not believe the bill will achieve its stated objectives.
To illustrate these points and illustrate why, in our view, the bill is counterproductive, unamendable, and should not be passed into law, Peter will focus on the guidelines, which are at the heart of the bill, and how they will expose even the most socially responsible Canadian company to undue legal risk. I will touch briefly on the financing implications of the legislation, not only in terms of project financing, but the impact on the role of the EDC and the broader implications of the bill on Canada's status as a leader in resource finance. Dina will conclude by speaking to the unfair and unwarranted impact of this bill on the industry in general.
With that, Mr. Chair, I would ask Mr. Peter Sinclair to contribute to the conversation.