There may be some confusion about what the status quo is. It's important to reiterate that companies take any allegations, any concerns, very seriously, and when these allegations come to our attention, we act upon them. I'm speaking for myself for Goldcorp. Our process is very different from what's been described. We're very much a collaborative, dialogue-based organization. When I started at Goldcorp, one of the things I did was phone Jantzi. Their response was, “We removed you from the list because we had no information”—there was no one dialoguing with them. We've been talking to them almost weekly for the past several months.
It's very important to talk about these issues. When we hear about complaints, concerns, or questions, we need to talk to the people who are participating. For example, next week we have three international NGOs coming to Canada to discuss a concern they have about a tailings dam, and we're going to be meeting with them and talking about it.