I would like to supplement Michael Bourassa's answer.
Ms. Deschamps, you are right to raise the issue of the accountability of big mining companies. They should be held to account for what they do, and they should be perfect in terms of their corporate social responsibility. But let me tell you about some of my concerns about this bill. The situation we would find ourselves in is this.
Canada has a Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade one of the main goals of which is to promote Canada's interests abroad, including commercial and economic interests. All our trade commissioners and embassies are working very hard toward this goal. If this bill becomes law, another section in this department would be established and it would do the exact opposite, that is investigating companies we should instead be assisting under the department's mandate.
If this bill is put into force, I wonder if the legislation on the foreign affairs department should not be amended. I do not know if you are interested, but I would like to explain what would in fact happen, should a serious complaint be made to our Minister of Foreign Affairs. I would really like to explain that to you.