Thank you very much.
Thank you for appearing here today.
My question is along the same line, although it doesn't necessarily deal with the costing of it. I'm sensing from your comments here that it's in agreement with what we've been hearing from industry, what we've been hearing from EDC, and, quite frankly, what we heard from an earlier witness. The earlier witness from Argentina gave the implication that they were looking towards this bill to in effect codify, institute, responsibility to Canadian...Canadian concerns, to pick up the slack where Argentina's laws may not be complete, or to institute Canadian laws that are more complete. Quite frankly, what we then have is a scenario of interfering with another country's national aspirations and sovereignty, in effect, which would lead to the complications that poses.
I'm sensing from what you're saying in this dissertation that you also see that. That is one of the major reasons you can't quite quantify what this legal responsibility might be, ultimately. Is this one of the concerns?
You can extrapolate this to other parts of the world where mining interests might be. If we try to have our mining concerns involved in and adhering to the various laws and legal systems of the various countries around the world, you'd have to have an amazing amount of knowledge and capability in your legal department. We even go into some parts of the world where there are things like Sharia law. Should the mining concerns be adherent to Sharia law because that is the local custom in the local area of consideration?
Are these large complications? Can we kind of quantify this and say more coherently to what level this would take the legal requirements of the department?