There are some 55 articles. There are another 150 articles under the 1867 charter. I estimate that there are probably 30 articles under the capitulations of Quebec City, Montreal, Quebec conference, and London resolutions.
And don't forget, we'll be doing a review of the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights, because I really feel there might be possibly something in there, and that was constituted here by the Right Honourable John Diefenbaker. So that's an important one to review through too.
Article 12 states that everyone has the right not to be subjected to “any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment”. Now there's an article that can be interpreted many different ways. What is a cruel and unusual treatment or punishment? I had the occasion, when I was visiting Acapulco once, to learn of their interesting way of dealing with illegal parking. This just gives you kind of an example. They cut the licence plates off, and in order to pay your parking fine, you visit the local jail. They have a wall of these licence plates up on the wall. You pick out your plate and you pay your $2 fine or whatever it is. But during the occasion, it was very apparent that I would not want to be a resident in that jail. Even being a resident in that jail I would say would fall under this Canadian charter's description of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment because, by golly, a Mexican jail is not a Canadian jail. That could be construed right from the get-go. That's not to be critical of Mexican jails. I mean, jails in many countries around the world are pretty basic, pretty bare descriptions.
When we were in Haiti with the committee, we visited the jail there. One of the jail cells had wall-to-wall people. I think it was something like 70 people in one room, and they're just like cordwood, up one wall, down another and three feet in between, and then a pot over in the corner where you did your duty, your daily ablutions, or whatever you want to call it.
Now, is that cruel and unusual punishment and treatment? I dare say that we would certainly consider it to be cruel if there was a Canadian in that jail cell with the 70 other people.