That's a difficult question. It's a sensitive question. I'll give you a straight response, which is that a decentralized country like Canada does sacrifice some of its weight in the world by not speaking with one voice. Countries like the United Kingdom or France, which are relatively unified central states, do punch above their weight in international affairs, and Canada has lost some of its weight over the last couple of decades as we've decentralized our Confederation.
Now, how you deal with that in terms of the interprovincial-federal relationship is one that goes well beyond my expertise. But certainly when we have an embassy in any foreign country, there should be one voice, there should be one policy, and that should be directed by Ottawa. The negotiations that need to precede that, to make the provinces comfortable, are another question. But if we have multiple voices in Washington, they will actually drown each other out, and we will not get anywhere. And so I would certainly share the view that our embassy needs to represent just one capital city, namely the one in which you're sitting right now.