Mr. Goldring, I think the answer is yes. Obviously, transportation by sea is very efficient and important to develop.
On the question of causing trouble, I'd like to refer to a very important member of the honourable member's party, namely, Mike Harris. When the Great Lakes governors and the federal government of the United States made a deal among themselves about how to divert water from the Great Lakes, there was consternation in Ontario. It happened that Mike Harris approved a company exporting huge amounts of water from Lake Superior. I think that caused so much consternation in Washington that they came to renegotiate with Ontario and Quebec a much better deal about the conditions for diverting water.
My point is that when they saw we could do damage to them--and I'm not advising that we figure out new ways to harm them--they took notice. One of our problems is that we are such good boys that compared to Mexico, China, and North Korea, they don't need to pay attention. That causes a dilemma. We are very good boy scouts. We don't want not to be good boy scouts, but it does mean they don't really care.